High quantity production with the highest quality

 This printing system is considered one of the most efficient methods for allowing high speed, high quality in different types of paper weight and flexible plastics, such as polystyrene. Prints made on flatbed printers are ideal for business cards, folders, posters and books because the raw material is based on single sheets. The impressions made in rotary printers are ideal for high project runs like newspapers and magazines.
We a have printing solution for many colors job, varnishing application, large
formats up to 70x100cm, a roll to roll printer, which allow us a difersified production of graphic work. The offset printing system is based on the natural repulsion between water and greasy substances (in this case ink).

In semblance with the silkscreen art, we engrave an image but in a different material, a plate. The engravment in the plate is prepared to receive ink, while the other areas will reject it, absorbing only water.

The plate with the paint is fixed in a cylinder, which, when spinning, is bathed in water and ink. Under controlled pressure, only the printing area will be covered with ink. This will then mark an image on a second cylinder, called Rubber blanket, which will transfer the data marked on it, to the paper making a print. Therefore, the Offset system is knowned as indirect printing mode.

  This printing system is considered one of the most efficient methods for allowing high speed, high quality in different types of paper weight and flexible plastics, such as polystyrene. Prints made on flatbed printers are ideal for business cards, folders, posters and books because the raw material is based on single sheets. The impressions made in rotary printers are ideal for high project runs like newspapers and magazines.
We a have printing solution for many colors job, varnishing application, large
formats up to 70x100cm, a roll to roll printer, which allow us a difersified production of graphic work. The offset printing system is based on the natural repulsion between water and greasy substances (in this case ink).

In semblance with the silkscreen art, we engrave an image but in a different material, a plate. The engravment in the plate is prepared to receive ink, while the other areas will reject it, absorbing only water.

The plate with the paint is fixed in a cylinder, which, when spinning, is bathed in water and ink. Under controlled pressure, only the printing area will be covered with ink. This will then mark an image on a second cylinder, called Rubber blanket, which will transfer the data marked on it, to the paper making a print. Therefore, the Offset system is knowned as indirect printing mode.